A few words
about us...
Having already presented to you some cultural elements of the area, its history and people, it’s time to introduce ourselves. “Karatzios” family has been in the olive oil industry since 1950, when they created their first olive grove.
Our vision is to bring health and longevity, in family tables around the world by providing them with one of the most delicious and premium quality Extra Virgin Olive Oils in Greece. Our carefully selected extra virgin olive oil is so superior, that for a long time the Greek farmers kept it for their own consumption, while other European Olive Oil producers imported it, in order to blend it with their oil to improve its quality.
Karatzios’ family great passion for olive oil combined with the wide-ranging experiences acquired through inspections and certifications of the producers, has landed one of the finest extra virgin olive oils!
Our vision:
to bring health and
in family tables
around the world.

The particular varieties that we cultivate, are the ones of “Amfissis” and “Koroneiki”, which are regarded the most endurable to withstand the harsh climate of Argyropouli. It is not surprising therefore, that some trees have reached the age of four hundred years! This is an extra virgin olive oil of low acidity, high nutritional value, excellent quality and rich in vitamins. According to Hippocrates – the father of medicine – in ancient Greece it was used to cure gastrointestinal disorders and it would be also applied on wounds.

Premium Quality.
Olive oil is only produced once a year and it does not get better with age. We stamp all of our bottles with the harvest date. Limited editions of Premium Extra virgin olive oil are numbered. Although our production is always adapted and scheduled to the order of each customer.
Since the production of Silverbird Early Harvest will produce less oil the farmers need to be compensated for their loss. Pre-purchase agreements of the Early Harvest Extra Virgin Olive Oil, is needed to be signed in order for their production to be secured.
Olive oil is not an industrial product to be reserved, but product of nature that needs to be planned and ordered one season prior to harvesting. Insist on quality – Silverbird sells only the finest extra virgin olive oil from family farmers. The origin of our oil is clearly marked on the label and insured by personally monitored quality control on-site in Greece.
Our philosophy includes the above:
· Quality production & control
· Supporting our family farmers
· Fair trade
Farmers deserve to be compensated, consumers need the best choice and Karatzios Family enterprise with Silverbird signed this contract long ago.